Last Updated on November 15, 2018
Tweeting some things about graduation with one of my juniors, Eris, got me thinking of something. That’s why I decided to write this.
“Sometimes it’s about going there, not getting there. Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination. And sometimes when you get there, you’ll look back and you’ll realize that you wish you could go there again because all of the experiences you went through are the reason that you are who you are today.“
– Drake on graduating
Well, I finally finished my undergraduate studies and obtained a Bachelor of Agriculture on 16 October 2012. After 6-7 months of research out on the field and in the lab, I finally finished my undergraduate thesis! I wrote that in English and presented it in Bahasa Indonesia. It was pretty cool to be the first person who wrote an English undergraduate thesis in my year. :3 Thanks to my awesome advisers, Mr. Syukur & Mrs. Iis.
If you look at it, it’s not THAT slow but not that fast either. If I were in the other years before, I’ll be one of the first out. Sadly, my year really want to get out of college so bad, we were the quickest year to graduate. MANY people flew right past me. Because of that, and the weird-stupidish 800 people graduation ceremony quota that IPB had, I can only get the chance to have my graduation ceremony in April. Yes, I got my degree in October but the ceremony’s in April. Weird. -_- I might be in my graduate studies when I get my undergrad ceremony hahahaha.
Why wasn’t I the quickest? I mean I had pretty good grades and everything? Aren’t you capable of doing it above the other? Well, there’s this saying that’s been going around in us late years undergrad students, which is :
I dunno if it’s true or just to make us fell better :/ either way, I kinda believe that now. Yes, I didn’t speed up my thesis writing process and such and such and such because I want ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME EXPERIENCE.
If I had graduated early, I might not get a chance to travel to Europe and be an Indonesian delegates of IAAS World Congress and had a blast during the Summer. If I had graduated early, I might not be able to win Best Presenter of Tri-University Int. Student Symposium. If I had graduated early, I might not get MC jobs and meet great international people. If I had graduated early, I might not experience what I experienced now. 🙂
Just like Drake quotes said, all the experience I went through is what defines me right now. I rather graduate now with all the experience, knowledge, NETWORKING and great recommendations, than graduate early but have none of the above. I know, this comes off as a ”well-she-is-making-herself-feel-better“ post. But I actually wanna share with you all, that graduating at the right time, it’s perfect. 🙂
God knows exactly what is right and what is not right for you. Don’t get discouraged, if you are staying a few months behind but you are sure you are learning great lessons, then you have nothing to be ashamed of. But please, do try to finish quickly. You don’t want to be stuck in campus life forever, right? When there are sooo much challenges out there waiting. And that’s exactly what I’m excited for, another new chapter of my life.
Indonesia, say hi to the new fresh undergrads coming your way. 😉 So one quick question for all the fresh grads out there, what is you future plan?