
So What Do You Do?

So what do you do when the person you love is the reason behind all your pain?

When things aren’t the same anymore and you constantly see yourself striving to maintain a perfect relationship?

When you no longer trust that person because their words continuously contradict their actions?

Have you ever felt this unbearable pain in your chest, but think to yourself that the pain is worth it because in the end you are still with that person?

Whenever they are out, you have a million of ideas just clustered in the back of your mind. You try your best to trust them, but for some reason you just can’t. You want them to do little sweet meaningful things, but yet they don’t. You find yourself so infatuated with this thing we call “love” that you isolate yourself from everyone and everything you once loved.

But in the end, is it really worth all the trouble and sacrifice?

(via raindropsonredroses)

Rafael Benitez’s Famous Half-time Teamtalk

Don’t let your heads drop. We’re Liverpool. You’re playing for Liverpool. Don’t forget that. You have to hold your heads high for the supporters. You have to do it for them.You can’t call yourselves Liverpool players if you have your heads down. If we create a few chances we have the possibility of getting back into this. Believe you can do it and you will. Give yourself the chance to be heroes.

 – Rafael Benitez’s famous half-time teamtalk at Istanbul. (via andradjaafara)