Hello page 1 out of 366 π Alhamdulillah bisa melewati tahun 2015. Lots of important things happened during that year. Mulai dari selesai penelitian (finally!), seminar hasil, deciding to get married in the upcoming year and every other blessing in between. Semoga tahun 2016 juga …
Monday Meetup! I have the super lucky chance to catch up with fellow @iaasipb alumni in campus today πππ something that can rarely be done in this age (hahahaha)…
On the left is @erik_mulya aka #erikneverstop my senior in AGH who’s travelled Europe and US plus he’s already finished his Master’s Thesis on time.
Next is the new drh @rioang89 who’s just finished his DVM comprehension test and now a legit vet! He’s going away for Master’s in Edinburgh on Friday. On the far right is @annisaa_potter my senior since junior high. She just launched her book Student Traveller about her adventures travelling. She’s been to 21 country in 5 years! (Review of her book coming soon in blog π)
All of them are super inspiring in their own way. β€ It doesn’t make me jealous though, it makes me more motivated to do something great in my own field of work and expertise. Since the best thing we can do for others is to support and inspire each other in life.
#friends #groupphotoshoot #iaas #iaaslcipb #alumni #reunion #latepost #vscocam #vscophile #vscogood #vsco #liveauthentic #writing #experience #life (at Rektorat IPB)
Thought via Path
Opini tentang kebijakan transportasi ala “Green Campus IPB” Waktu untuk membaca: 3 menit. Sudah banyak yang menyebarkan berita bahwa IPB akan menyegerakan kebijakan untuk melarang kendaraan ber-BBM di dalam Kampus Dramaga. Uji coba mobil listrik dan bis juga sudah dilakukan di sekitar kampus mulai tanggal …
September has begun! Now there are only 4 months left in the year. Time to step on the gas and finished what needs to be finished this year so that we can focus on bigger and better things in 2016.
Work hard, play hard, pray hard. Bismillahirahmanirrahim. Hope all goes well.
Anw I have to complement @instagram move in making landscape picture available for us. We’re not limited to squares anymore. Plus the ability to geotag better! β€ Loves!
#mosque #jakarta #alazhar #southjakarta #visitjakarta #enjoyjakarta #indonesia #white #sky #architecture #islam #muslim #buildings #vsco #vscocam #thanksinstagram #latepost #liveauthentic #writting #life #thoughts (at Masjid Agung Al-Azhar)
Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia yang ke 70 π
Mungkin sekarang Indonesia tidak berada di kondisi yang terbaik. Masih banyak yang harus diperbaiki, masih banyak yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan, masih banyak rakyatnya yang belum memiliki rasa nasionalisme + cinta tanah air, masih banyak hal yang terbengkalai, dan masih banyak hal yang harus diperhatikan oleh kita.
Tapi mengeluh tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah. Masih banyak juga kesempatan untuk memperbaiki negeri, berprestasi, membuat terobosan baru, dan membuat perubahan positif demi Indonesia yang lebih baik. Hard work and good prayers never betray. Tetap semangat meneruskan perjuangan para pejuang, even though the battles we’re fighting now are different. Selamat Indonesia, semoga Allah tetap melindungi kita semua β€ β View on Path.
My favorite part of Lebaran on social media is seeing family pictures π imagine how big and variative it will be next year when the singles turned into married couples, and married ones start holding babies! πππ
Once again, Eid Mubarak all! Have a nice holiday and safe trip back from your hometown. β View on Path.
When the Earth has given so much for us, it’s our duty to help conserve and protect it from harms that we often make ourselves. As future agronomist, horticulturist, plant breeder, seed scientist and even farmer, we are trying our best to feed the world and help protect the environment at the same time. Finding new ways to help both the population and the environment now sits in our shoulders. Whatever the outcome may be, hope it benefits both human and Mother Nature. Happy Earth Day.
#earthday #agriculture #oilpalm #indonesia #visitindonesia #worker #happyearthday #earthday2015 #vsco #vscocam #ipb #bogor #liveauthentic (at Cikabayan, Kampus Darmaga IPB)
Nemenin Bapak Prof. jadi pembicara di acara Badan Ketahanan Pangan ttg Agribusiness Development Station. Seenggaknya dapat ilmu biar nanti klo seandainya dapat amanah ngurus pertanian Indonesia, kedepannya ga fail total kaya sekarang π€π€π€ impor sayur dan buah lebih tinggi daripada gandum. Harga beras naik padahal petani ga dapat untung. Ga ada yang kasian apa sama petani, orang2 yang susah payah nanem biar kalian bisa memperoleh bahan makanan? π€π€π€ at Wisma Industri β View on Path.
Thought via Path
I don’t know if the phones are getting smarter or the society is getting dumber. Today I read and saw a picture of a baby being held a smoke by his mom, a picture of a baby with innapropriate words being edited next to it …
From the view of the Minister http://m.tempo.co/read/news/2015/01/04/078632685/Surat-Cinta-Menteri-Jonan-untuk-Para-Pilot . Well said to answer some open letter from several pilots. I know that death is inevitable but here are some of my concern and thoughts about this low-cost flight tragedy.
1. How could a regional airline missed such a vital part of pre-departure sequence, which is the FOO-pilot briefing. I have to agree that briefing with a FOO rather than just figuring out the data and information by yourself is better. The pilot will definitely get more inputs, alternative solutions and flight path which is a benefit to our safety.
2. If they say that FOO task is too much or the HR available is too few, then is it a way for them to keep the price “low-cost”? If yes, then the low-cost flight means risking our lives. I’d rather not fly if that is the case. π£
3. How can the QZ8501 flight be granted permission to take off when it is stated that QZ Surabaya-Singapore route is not scheduled for Sunday? Of course a plane can not just fly when it wants to. ATC, Changi and people responsible for flight schedule must know and that’s a whole lot of people. Then something is really fishy about this condition.
4. Stop the habit of exploiting the victim’s family sadness and grief. This is not a drama set to entertain the public.
5. Stop the habit of blaming the pilot. I believe that he has done all in his power to turn the situation around. Maybe God has a better plan.
6. Stop making stupid and sick SARA jokes and whatsoever. It is disrepectful and automatically downgrades you as a human.
7. May the victims RIP. #prayforairasia #prayforqz8501 #airasiaqz8501 β View on Path.
Thoughts on BBM Naik
Going to give my two cents (or opinion) about this increase in gas prices that is currently happening in Indonesia. I posted it in my twitter @faradilaaa so if anyone got a different opinion or thoughts or whatever, please say so π Secara pribadi, gw …
Sengaja Memecah Belah?
Pernah mikir ga sih kalau yang rame diperbincangkan di media sosial itu sengaja memecah belah rakyat? Mulai dari sekuler inlander or whatever that is sampai masalah menteri merokok dan bertato. Orang jadi berpihak ke salah satu dari dua kubu, mulai kesel sama temen-temennya yang vokal …
What Grinds My Gear
You know what really grinds my gear? Ketika setelah pengumuman menteri masiiih aja ada orang yang berkomentar di sosmed: βWah pertanian bukan dari IPB, kita siap jadi oposisi aja dehβ βYeah, UI paling banyak di kabinet menteriβ βKehutanan bukan dari rimbawan UGM, apa dia bisa?β …
Losing a Friend
I guess one of the many heartbreak we have to deal with in life is losing a friend forever. Canβt believe how soon this is, but least now youβre in a better place.
Thanks for the years full of laughter! Gonna miss the rants you have about Liverpool, mine about MU and the fights that followed after hahaha.
BTW, I still can outrun you anytime, like that time on my birthday. You totally failed cracking an egg on my head. :β) You may be gone, but the good memories stays forever.
We all love you Jen, but Allah loves you more. You will always be our big loveable yet mischievous teddy bear.
Rest In Peace. *Al-Fatihah*