My #2016bestnine โค This year Allah gave me tons of blessings. Finally finished my Masters Degree, got married, have a fun marriage for the past 8+ months, got pregnant and expecting real soon, started to build our small cozy house and saw my family achieved many awesone things.

Besides blessings there’s also challenges. Challenges in moving far from my parents (even though for a short time), adapting to new in-laws and new family, realizing that I have someone (and a baby) to take care of, evaluating my time management for this new situation, learning how it is being pregnant, financial decision that really affect the future and all the emotions that goes on in preparing being a new mom.

This 9 pictures are just some of my happiness. It makes me realizes that challenges I had gone through and will face are just there to make me stronger. We can’t be caught up in obstacles since after every storm there is a rainbow. In every cloud there is a silver lining. Everything is possible and will go smoothly with Allah’s and parent’s blessing. Bismillah for a better (and lovelier) 2017 for all of us!

Xoxo, Faradila ๐Ÿ’‹
#sharethemoment #marriage #soontobemom #pregnancy #writing #thoughts #life #throwback #faradilaarga #faradilaargaprewedding #faradilaargawedding

My #mancrushmonday on duty ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ Alhamdulillah I have him are the words I say every single day. A hard worker with a smart and fun personality. He gets his job done at attending and helping farmers across Indonesia, basically he got my dream job. Travelling to places, setting up farming demoplots, having great ideas are just some of the things that make me jealous and adore him.

He’s also a family man who cares so much about the people he loves. I’m glad that now I am a part of his family (plus Baby ๐Ÿ‘ถ also!). I always wish for him health and luck everyday so that his days are smooth and he can come home safe to our family. We don’t have everything yet but it will be a blast trying to be successful with you side by side. Bismillahirahmanirrahim, semangat mencari rezeki halal untuk keluarga yaaa โค Baby ๐Ÿ‘ถ and I love you very much, Arga
#mcm #hubby #husband #myhusband #love #myhusbandisbetterthanyours #myhubby #edisiditinggaldinas #kangen #tulisanmenyentuhhati #bumillagihormonal #family #thoughts #writing #life #snapseed #sharethemoment #peopleinframe #livefolkindonesia #livefolk #liveauthentic

Orasi Ilmiah Guru Besar Prof. Anas D. Susila ๐ŸŽ“โค Selamat Bapak, semoga semakin banyak yang termotivasi memajukan bidang hortikultura Indonesia, terutama di bidang sayuran. Insya Allah ilmunya berkah dunia akhirat. Terus semangat ya Pak meskipun harus tetap cuci darah ๐Ÿ’ช We love you โค
#family #bigfamily #professor #orasiilmiah #ipb #professoripb #sharethemoment #latepost #throwback #peopleinframe #nofilter #liveauthentic #livefolk #livefolkindonesia (at Auditorium Andi Hakim Nasution Rektorat IPB)

Keluarga besar Labdik Pemuliaan Tanaman W8L4 di orasi pembimbing kami, Prof. Dr. Muhamad Syukur, SP. MSi. ๐ŸŽ“๐ŸŽ“๐ŸŽ“ Selamat Prof! Semoga sukses selalu dan terus berkarya untuk bangsa.
#plantbreeding #plantbreedinglab #ipb #professor #orasiilmiah #friends #colleagues #graduateschool #agh #aghipb #sharethemoment #liveauthentic #livefolkindonesia #livefolk #nofilter #picture #experience #life (at Auditorium Andi Hakim Nasution Rektorat IPB)