Last Updated on September 18, 2018
cuman pengen bikin posting singkat padat dan jelas. klo ada pertanyaan atau apalah, ask me. 🙂
jadi inti dari semua ini adalah IPB bukanlah pihak yang berhak mengumumkan nama-nama susu formula tersebut karena kode etik penelitian. namun IPB telah memberitahukan hasil penelitian ke pihak yang berwenang agar dilakukan tindakan lebih lanjut. jadi semua tergantung kepada pihak yang berwenang untuk melakukan pengumuman atau sejenisnya. bukan IPB. kami hanya meneliti. kami bukan LSM. harap mengerti perbedaannya. 🙂
the main idea about all the things that Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) students are saying is that IPB does not have the authority to release the names of the milk that is infected by the Sakarazii bactery. why? because of the research ethical codes. but we have contacted and coordinated with the right authorities so that major steps are taken to prevent further damage in milk that can endangered the people of the community. so only the right authorities can release the milk producer’s name. not IPB. IPB only did the research. we are not a NGO. please understand the difference. 🙂